Foster Carer Talks. Finding a Career in Caring

23rd January, 2023

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with FosterCare UK, carer Stewart to learn a bit more about his fostering journey.

Career Change

For Stewart, 57, his fostering journey began in the spring of 2021 at the height of COVID when he was made redundant and an opportunity for a career change presented itself. The notion of pursuing a career where he helps others had long been on his mind, but now was the perfect time to put it into action, as Stewart told us…

“I wanted to make a difference to those who had been through adverse experiences. But to be honest, I had never considered fostering, in my head I pictured a meaningful career away from the home.”

It was Stewart’s partner Audrey that came to him with the idea of fostering. After much talk and research they decided that Foster Care UK was the agency for them.

And they haven’t looked back since as Stewart states, “I am glad that we did it. Fostering is incredibly rewarding.”

Why Care?

Before making the decision to foster, Stewart has always found himself being one who cared for others. Whether it was donating gifts to orphanages at Christmas or stopping to buy a coffee and have a chat with a homeless person in the street.

“I have always wanted to help those who cannot help themselves, adults, children and animals alike, it is in my nature to care.”

The assessment and approval process may take time, however, Stewart found that while it was difficult to open up about past experiences it was also cathartic to discuss his own adverse experiences.

“Both myself and Audrey have been through our own traumatic experiences, but rather than it being a bad thing our assessor was happy to hear about it and talk it through. I think, in a way, it has given us both a lot of empathy for others situations.”

Building a lasting legacy

Two years into his fostering journey and Stewart is pleased that he and his partner made the decision to foster. Having looked after four children in that time, at times it has been chaos and a challenge, but always rewarding.

Right now, they are caring for a young girl age 15. At first, Stewart thought this might be a difficult relationship as a male carer looking after a young female. However, the reality is different to what he has expected, and they have built a strong bond.

“She feels like part of the family. She had her troubles at first, and wasn’t doing well at school but seeing her grades improve and watching her progress fills me with pride.”

We are proud to have Stewart as part of the team, making a difference to the future generations.


If Stewart’s story resonates with you and you would like to know more about fostering with FosterCare UK then please do call one of our friendly team on 0844 800 1941.

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