Celebrating Our Foster Carers!

19th November, 2024

Our foster carers are super stars. That’s a fact! Every day we witness them unfailingly champion the children and young people. Fostering isn’t easy, and yet, they consistently face whatever is thrown at them head on, continuing to support, embrace and love those they care for.

In short, they deserve all the praise in the world.

Celebrating our foster carers

One thing we’ve found consistent across the group it the importance of celebrating the wins no matter how big or small. Team Manager, Fiona told us, “Feedback is important. I love to mark my appreciation by taking the time to drop a quick email to my foster carers, with positive feedback copying in the registered manager to show that their efforts have been noted straight away. Recently, I let a couple know how fantastic they were at their young persons LAC review. Their warm hearts shone through, and I pointed the little things they did to make sure their young person felt supported. I wanted to say thank you on behalf of us all and let them know that the care they were providing was excellent.”

Having real time recognition and praise was a theme echoed by Supervising Social Worker, Angela. “I always make sure to give my families positive verbal feedback, and as an organisation, we try to show our appreciation in small but meaningful ways. For example, we recently sent a gift card to a foster carer whose young person had moved on. She’d put so much effort into fighting for his EHCP and securing therapeutic support, and we wanted to acknowledge that.

We also celebrate our families at our carer appreciation events, which are a great way to recognise their hard work. When carers receive positive reviews, it’s always such a rewarding moment to see their faces light up, especially when I’ve made an effort to highlight all their strengths and the amazing work they’re doing.”

Indeed, carer celebration events are held in local areas as often as possible and are always well received. It’s always lovely to get together but also, to recognise hard work in a bigger way.

Interested in fostering with us? Speak with a FosterCare UK advisor today at 0800 012 4004.

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